Sunday, October 31, 2010

We have a Nicaraguan woman scholar here today who gave us a talk about her research on cervical cancer here in Nic.
A group of us went to Playa Suyaba, the "surfing beach" here in Leon this afternoon...quite lovely. ( I read my book in the shade of a palm tree and cheered on the swimmers)

Back to work at the Ministry of Health Univ. Hosp tomorrow to wrap up the treaining of the OB/GYN staff...and supervise the exams of another 40 women/patients...Tuesday we will move to Jalapa, Nic. for work in the public health clinics.
Cheers, Mai

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Thoughts on humanitarian aid to the developing countries:

Will this type of aid defeat poverty and prevent humanitarian crises?
No, because this type of aid is geared towards consequences and not the source: such as risk of life during an armed conflict or natural disaster or poverty and social disintegration and scarcity for the masses resulting from an unqual sharing of public spending.

Does this mean to say that humanitarian aid should be eliminated? No. Now less than ever.

It's not just a matter of spending money but of once again seeing ourselves as belonging to the same group of people on Earth: Humanity. To quote Leonardo Boff: "The first act that distinguished us from other animals was the will to hunt and eat in groups for the common good. Cooperation is the fundamental law of the Universe and of human life."
That is what makes Capitalism so perverse - it puts the whole emphasis on one individal competing against the other. It is unsustainable in the long run because of the tension, conflict and environmental deterioration it generates.
Globalization promotes global inequality. However inefficient or self-interested humanitarian aid may be, without it the world would have shattered into a thousand pieces way back carrying us all back to a more primitive time."
(Carmello Gallardo, UN Food Security Program Coordinator)

Friday, October 29, 2010

we had about 8 0r 9 new "graduate" trainees at the Hospital today...and saw at least 40 women/patients....many of whom needed follow-up and or all-in-all a very good day. Interesting side note: the Hospital was one built by Pres. Somosa in the bad old days- for the wealthy only...Wounded (guerilla ) patients were brought into the OR during the Revolution and the National Guard slaughtered the Dr's and Nurses and the patients. You can still see some holes in the walls from machine gun fire.
It felt a bit like a native american sweat lodge in the exam rooms without air cond :-/ but such is life in the tropics...going thru liters of bottled H2O
A Japanese woman film maker. Emiko is along on this trip filming our project. She won "Best of Show" for a short documentary on Pincc in Africa at the Bernal Heights Film Festival in SF.
Cheers, Mai

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Awoke at 6am to the friendly chirp of gekkos and thought I was back in Baja...but they seem to be plentiful here as well. Our hotel is absolutely charming...and tropical (hot)
Arrived at the Hospital Oskar Danilla Arguello (Public Health Ministry Hosp) at 7am for a training day with their Docs and nurses in Dr. Kay's method of diagnosing and treating dysplasia from HPV.
They were quite excited about it as they all have "private" clinics where they work as well.
Proof that this method is "No bid deal": My patient this afternoon was texting on her cellphone DURING her procedure...(another big difference between the village women and these young women here in Leon'

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Next stop Managua...

Leaving on a midnight flight tonight from SFO to Managua, Nicaragua with this amazing team of Docs/RN's for the first leg of our PINCC mission to Latin America (Nic., El Sal. and Peru) to diagnose and treat cervical cancer in the women we encounter - and to train their local midwives to carry on the work...
I'll keep you posted.
Foto de Managua

Friday, October 8, 2010

Greetings from Nicaragua

Arrived in Managua this to get some rest before the work begins tomorrow...Nicaragua Central America country
Old women in the evening

Managua, Capital City